
Originally posted on Arcanum:
Another day pretending to be busy. Carving hours, making them clean, not bleeding into each other. Paused external life has made me dormant, as if the fire flickering out, connecting with others’ flames has gone. Time folds into itself. My mother leaves a text message ­–What would you like for your…

A Crowded Life

Originally posted on Arcanum:
It wasn’t the first time Juniper had imagined living full time in her walk-in closet. It boasted a mauve velvet daybed, a shag rug and wall-to-wall cupboards filled with silk, linen and fine cotton. On days when the world felt too close, sidling up and poking her in the ribs, she…

Review: Bitter Leaves

The delicate power balance between maids and their employers in Singapore is just one aspect of this layered, moving novel. Bitter Leaves is a celebration of the strength of human spirit and the bonds that can form between people regardless of their differences. At the same time it condemns the inequality existing in a society … More Review: Bitter Leaves